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Cravings When Pregnant Is Not Always Good, This Is The Way To Tackle It

When pregnant young, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to only want one or two types of certain food menus. To the extent that almost every day just want to eat the same food. Is this what is called cravings? What is the cause and are there any bad effects? In Indonesia, cravings are synonymous with sour, spicy and salty foods. For example young mangoes, fruit salad or meatballs. There are also more specific, for example meatballs with spicy chili sauce. Let's look at whether these cravings can indeed be explained medically and how to respond appropriately.

Alleged Causes of Cravings

If in early pregnancy, pregnant women may feel morning sickness that is marked by nausea, vomiting, and not eating. After that, although it doesn't always happen, pregnant women may start feeling cravings. The cause of cravings is not yet known with certainty. There are several allegations that some experts try to explain, namely:
  • Culture

  • Cravings can occur because that is what is commonly believed in local culture about pregnant women. This cultural factor also influences what type of food is normally desired.
  • Poor nutrition

  • This condition can make the body want certain food portions more. For example, chocolate cravings can be caused because the body lacks magnesium. Red meat cravings can be a sign of a lack of protein in the body. Meanwhile, chocolate ice cream is probably a signal to the body's need for fat or calcium. In fact, fast food such as french fries or burgers, could be the body indicates a greater need for protein and sodium.
  • Changes in parts of the brain

  • Gradual changes in the uterus affect one part of the brain that affects the sense of taste or tongue. But this allegation still needs further investigation.
  • Increased hormone levels

  • Increased levels of pregnancy hormones can change the smell and sense of taste of pregnant women. This makes the body's needs different. This is also the reason some foods and aromas are more overpowering during pregnancy.
  • Diversion

  • Cravings can also be believed to be a diversion way when pregnant women want something, but can not consume it, such as food or drinks that tend to be risky for babies, such as coffee or soda.

Tips on Getting Around Cravings Stay Safe

Generally cravings are not dangerous if pregnant women can still manage them well. Cravings can be a problem if the food consumed includes foods that are high in calories but do not contain the nutrients needed during pregnancy. This type of food can then make pregnant women experience too much weight gain, obesity and cause health problems during pregnancy. Here are some ways you can do so that cravings do not cause health problems for pregnant women:
  • Trying to control weight gain

  • Weight control can come from the way you handle cravings. If your previous weight was normal, the ideal weight gain during pregnancy is 11-15 kg. But women who have been overweight since before pregnancy, need to limit so that the increase is not more than 11 kg. Research shows that being overweight during pregnancy can increase the risk of preeclampsia and other pregnancy and childbirth disorders.
  • Getting used to a regular diet

  • Pregnant women are more at risk of undergoing irregular and unhealthy eating patterns due to drastic body changes. This change affects emotions, as well as self-confidence. Breakfast every day can reduce the possibility of cravings. In addition, Mother also exercised as much as possible regularly and practice to manage emotions to be more stable to avoid eating impulsively.
  • Limit sweet foods and drinks

  • Especially pregnant women who are at risk of having gestational diabetes, you should control the consumption of foods and drinks that are high in sugar. It is better for pregnant women to divert cravings for unhealthy foods, to become healthier. One way to do this is to take a break. For example, when craving high-fat strawberry ice cream, you can think of healthier alternatives that resemble these foods. Such as strawberry yogurt or fresh strawberries.
  • Avoiding dangerous foods

  • In certain conditions that are very rare, pregnant women can crave foods that are very dangerous to their own health and the fetus. This eating disorder is called pica or any eater. Pica sufferers can crave a variety of things that are even unusual for consumption, such as crayons, detergents, soil, chunks of ice from the refrigerator, or other dangerous objects. This of course can harm the fetus, such as causing impaired development of motor skills, low IQ scores, or hearing loss.
By managing your cravings, you can continue to eat healthy foods with pleasure without disturbing your health during pregnancy. If cravings are annoying, it is advisable to consult further with your obstetrician to get the help needed to control cravings and help the pregnancy process go well.
